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Logo Bonnie Domenghino

Real Food, Real Life: Use food to transform your life and your health

How can health coaching improve your life quality? Did you know that you really are what you digest?

My approach will help you achieve your health targets step by step

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness. I will look at how all areas of your life are connected with each other.

As a health coach, I will help you regain the power of your life to be what you want to be.

I trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC where I studied over 100 dietary theories – giving me broad knowledge which will empower you!


I regularly share my knowledge and my thoughts about a healthy lifestyle with you. I provide you with recipes you can easily cook at home. Stay tuned!

As a health coach, I help you to take control of your own health. You can re-invent your future and create a lifestyle that is easy to maintain.

Bonnie Domenghino